Cellogie™ Unwind




Nutritional support for relaxation
Our 21st century lifestyle and the pressures it brings gives us little time
to relax, and shows no signs of slowing down. Many of us find it hard to
relax, particularly in the evening and at night when you want to shut off
your mind and go to sleep.
Cellogie™ Unwind is made up of plants that have been shown to calm
down the nervous system. Many of these have been researched and
proven to reduce anxiety.
Synergistically this formula has the potential to calm down the nervous
system and help the body relax. If you find yourself to be ‘highly-strung’
and reactive to stressors around you, then Cellogie™ Unwind could be
the answer for you.
Try Cellogie™ Unwind, particularly if you find yourself losing sleep due to
your body not being able to unwind after a stressful day

Linden flower
Lemon balm leaf
Lavender flower
Orange tree bark
Complex B-Méditril®


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