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NeurOptimal® Brain Training


Have you trained your brain today?
NeurOptimal® is an advanced neurotechnology
 that is designed to train the brain to function at your best peak performance levels. This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, but rather a training for the brain, considered by many to be the most highly evolved form of neurofeedback available today.
It is 100% non – invasive, safe, effective and can be used by adults and children.

Your brain is capable of optimal functioning, but when your central nervous system is off kilter your brain operates inefficiently.

Are you ready to experience personal transformation?


Some benefits of brain training

Reduced stress, anxiety, depression

Inner peace and emotional stability

Improved sleep and energy level

Better focus, attention and memory

Improved sports and athletic performance

Helps to enhance creativity in music and art

Happy senior woman with arms up having fun on the beach

Physical, Cognitive And Emotional Challenges

Adults and children have used NeurOptimal® neurofeedback to address the negative effects arising from depression, anxiety, PTSD, Alzheimer’s, autism, sleep disorders and other complaints. 

The U.S. FDA has approved neurofeedback as effective for stress reduction and the American Pediatric Academy has endorsed neurofeedback as a “Level 1/Best Support” treatment for children with ADHD.

Active babyboomer couple is participating in a happy couples challenge at the beach letting all the

Brain Fitness/Age Remediation

Along with healthy lifestyle choices, NeurOptimal® neurofeedback can be a powerful tool to mediate cognitive decline that naturally occurs as we age. Just as physical exercise benefits the body, NeurOptimal® keeps the brain fit and resilient. Neurofeedback can help improve memory, recall and increase overall cognitive dexterity in older individuals.

Happy senior woman with arms up having fun on the beach

Physical, Cognitive And Emotional Challenges

Adults and children have used NeurOptimal® neurofeedback to address the negative effects arising from depression, anxiety, PTSD, Alzheimer’s, autism, sleep disorders and other complaints. 

The U.S. FDA has approved neurofeedback as effective for stress reduction and the American Pediatric Academy has endorsed neurofeedback as a “Level 1/Best Support” treatment for children with ADHD.

Brain Fitness/Age Remediation

Along with healthy lifestyle choices, NeurOptimal® neurofeedback can be a powerful tool to mediate cognitive decline that naturally occurs as we age. Just as physical exercise benefits the body, NeurOptimal® keeps the brain fit and resilient. Neurofeedback can help improve memory, recall and increase overall cognitive dexterity in older individuals.

Happy senior people doing indoor biking in a fitness club

Peak Physical/Mental performance

A growing number of Olympic and professional athletes now use neurofeedback to provide that critical mental edge which often results in gold medals and championships. When competitors are separated by 100ths of a second, the improved mental focus and physical performance neurofeedback provides can mean the difference between winning and losing. But you don’t have to be a pro athlete to enjoy the benefits of neurofeedback. Looking to improve your golf game? Want to be a better pitcher for your company softball team? – train your brain!

Young students campus helps friend catching up and learning.

Improved Academic Performance

Because neuro feedback training enhances concentration and mental focus, students use NeurOptimal® as a critical tool to improve their performance in school. Unlike so-called 6 “smart drugs” or neuro enhancing pharmaceuticals, NeurOptimal® is 100% drug-free and has no known side effects (apart from improved sleep!)

Beautiful lady and yoga instructor doing sports exercises in wellness center

General Wellness

NeurOptimal® neurofeedback encourages an overall positive mental outlook and a deeper understanding of the mind/body connection. For those looking to enhance their daily health and wellness, neurofeedback training can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

What is NeurOptimal®’s Neurofeedback?

NeurOptimal®’s neurofeedback system is a powerful technology that can greatly enhance your well-being and generally help you get the most out of life. Brain training can unlock untapped cognitive potential and help you achieve long-held goals and dreams. Biofeedback has been around for almost 40 years, but its practical use was inhibited by the scarcity of a practical delivery system. In the past, a neurofeedback interface would require a room full of computers and technicians. Today, Zengar Institute, Inc. has created a simple, interactive software that harnesses this powerful technology in an easy to use program called NeurOptimal® that loads onto a laptop computer. Because neurofeedback has been time-tested, it is also very safe. Respected institutions such as the U.S. FDA and the American Academy of Pediatrics have endorsed neurofeedback.

How does it work?

The NeurOptimal® proprietary neurofeedback system is a highly personalized brain training software that prompts the central nervous system to help make the best use of your brain’s neural resources. Neurofeedback training for the brain is similar to physical training for the body. Much of our suffering comes from pervasive recurring thoughts and feelings in which our minds become emotionally stranded or cognitively “stuck”. Neurofeedback prompts the brain to draw from its existing resources and pull itself out of these mental “ruts”. The result is a more open and positive mindset in which obstacles are more manageable and problems more resolvable. Much like a mirror that promotes self-correction, NeurOptimal®’s proprietary neurofeedback program monitors your brain waves and then provides “feedback” to your central nervous system about what it has just done. When the software detects a tremor in your brain wave pattern, it sends an audible signal that encourages the brain to “reset” and self-correct.


A neurofeedback training session is relaxing, enjoyable and typically lasts about 30 minutes. As the session starts, you will hear music play through headphones and perhaps watch relaxing geometric images gently morph across a computer screen or just relax and sleep. You don’t need to focus on anything. You will hear occasional “skips” or interruptions in the music – this is the signal that prompts your brain to “reset” and optimize itself. At the end of a session, you will most likely feel less stressed and more mentally clear. It is unlikely you will experience any negative after-effects as NeurOptimal® does not artificially “push” the brain in any specific direction. Many users experience deeper sleep and vivid dreams after their very first session.


NeurOptimal® is a training tool and does not diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state, nor does it restore, modify or correct the body’s structure of functioning. If you require medical assistance, please seek the advice of your physician.