The air we breath mainly consists of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. But it is oxygen that is vital for our cells to produce energy, energy that originated with the sun. When the sun shines down, plants absorb the sunlight to produce energy and end up releasing oxygen into the air as a by-product of their metabolism.  We in turn inhale the oxygen for our survival and exhale the carbon dioxides plants require.

Indoor plants absorb Carbon Dioxide and keep Oxygen flowing and purify the air by removing toxins that come from sources like furniture, bedding, carpeting, paints, cleaning products, pesticides, clothing and more.

According to NASA research several plants remove toxins from air –up to 87% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Here is the list of few plants that produce most oxygen and purifies the air:

1. Snake Plant a.k.a. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue

Considered highly efficient in oxygen production, the Snake Plant otherwise known as the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, is unique for its nighttime oxygen production, and ability to purify air through the removal of benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene.


How to grow a snake plant:

Snake plant is popular in part because it is a very easy houseplant to take care of. They can be ignored for weeks without even drooping. They prefer dry soil and should be watered infrequently to prevent rot.

Best Placement:

The Bedroom

2. Money Plant (Pachiraaquatica)

Featured by NASA, the Money Plant is renowned for its ability to remove chemicals and other pollutants from the air, specifically benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. However, despite the benefit of its high purification rate, this plant is toxic to cats, dogs and small children if its leaves are ingested.

How to grow a money plant:

The Money Plant prefers indirect light and needs to be watered every week or so.


Best Placement:

Any room but keep out of reach of pets or small children.

3. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii)

The prettiest entry on the list, the Gerbera Daisy is often used as a decorative element in gardening. However, the Gerbera Daisy is also distinct for its ability to produce high levels of oxygen at night while removing harmful chemicals, such as benzene and trichloroethylene. Beneficial for those suffering from sleep apnea and breathing disorders, keep this one on the nightstand for better sleep.

How to grow a gerber daisy:

If you have a sunny, south-facing window, your gerber daisy will thrive. They should be kept in bright light and moist soil. Don’t allow the soil to dry between watering. Make sure they get plenty of sunlight and you will be sure to have clean air and beautiful flowers.

Best Placement:

The Bedroom

4. Chinese Evergreens (Algaonemas)

The Chinese Evergreen is one of the most common household plants and for good reason. This plant emits a high oxygen content while purifying indoor spaces of harmful chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde and other toxins. As its name suggests, it is quite popular in China specifically for its high efficiency in removing harmful pollutants from the air.

How to grow a chinese evergreen:

The Chinese Evergreen does well in full shade, and only needs to be watered occasionally with a focus on keeping the soil moist. The number of plants kept is at the owner’s discretion.

Best Placement:

The Living Room

5. Areca Palm  (Dypsislutescens)

As with all plants, the Areca Palm is biologically engineered to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. However, what sets the Areca Palm apart is its ability to also purify the environment it’s placed in by removing dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.

How to grow an areca palm:

Areca palms can grow up to 7 feet tall and live up to 10 years. Though a mature areca palm could cost you a pretty penny, they grow quickly from small plants. Keep your areca palm in indirect sunlight and it will gain 6-10 inches a year. They need plenty of fertilizer and water, so make sure to feed your palm regularly.

Best Placement:

The Living Room

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